9 PAX Posted
Dragging at first this rather clear morning due to just over 3 hours sleep after traveling back from Dallas for work. The best cure for a little red eye and jet lag was a good ole beat down. Spent time in my travels spreading the word of F3 to co-workers from all across the country.
Warm Up
Side Straddle Hop IC x 15
Cotton Pickers IC x 15
Windmill IC x 10
Salute Planks IC (sort of) x 15
High steps dropping down for burpees to get the heart rate going
Training for PT Testing
From B-Ball Courts
Partner Up – Quarter Mile Runs Around Dog Park and Tennis Courts
3 Sets Per Partner- Push Ups, Squats, Big Boy Sit Ups (finish with exercise needing the most improvement)
Catch me if you can toward The Reserve
5 burpees
Start at beginning of Nature Trail
Exercises throughout our run as follows:
30 Dips
30 Irkins
30 Step Ups (total)
30 Dips – turn around and head back
30 Step Ups (total)
30 Irkins
30 Dips
Even saw a couple deer along the way, which was nice
Indian Run Back to b-ball courts, just in time to finish our beatdown with 10 Burpees.
Kept the group moving and just under 3 Miles total.
Continued prayers for Haka, his sister-in-law and family. Prayers for Bartman, his dad and family. Prayers to all other men going through challenging personal times and for those to get back out and join us.
Coffeteria this Saturday at the pool after our beatdown; everyone bring something.
The group is planning some additional Go Ruck events soon and discussing the Star Course in November.
PT testing coming at the end of this month.