75 Minute pre-beatdown Ruck (attended by three Pax) – CHECK!
Double Digits for the hour Beatdown – CHECK!
FNG (2nd one in as many Saturday’s!) – CHECK!
Adding another Wild Animal sighting to our list – CHECK!
Weather seemed to be very comfortable this am when YHC and two others began their 75 minute pre-beatdown ruck session. However, after seeing multiple wild animals during the ruck including a very enthusiastic family of wild hogs, YHC knew the heat would be turned up once the beatdown began. This was the second sighting of this family of wild hogs by YHC and it is only a matter of time before the men of F3 Lutz will undoubtedly come face to face with these wild animals…….what will happen then is anyone’s guess!?!!
7:30 am, Flag was planted, Disclaimer was given and we were off and running this last day of June!
Warm-up: (All IC)
Mosey to roundabout:
-SSH x 30, Frankensteins, Merkins, Plank Jacks
Mosey to other roundabout:
-Windmills & Baby Arm Circles followed by…….
Some Rosey:
-Grab a line and 5 Squats then Lunges to next line….repeat all the way around.
Now that everyone is nice and warm, it is time for the PT Test to begin. To the B.B. Courts for Merkins PT test! Unofficially it appears Grouper was our big winner this am in the Merkins dept posting 77 in two minutes……..congrats!
Now mosey to dead end for start of Mile Run! Those without watches would have to rely on pax with watches finishing ahead of them and the men didn’t disappoint. YHC was the rabbit this morning and jumped out to lead until about halfway through when the engine started sputtering and both No-Ski and Grouper passed me on the Sunlake straight away. Grouper again posting the fastest mile time at 6:01…….just barely missed breaking the 6 minute mark!
Plank when done and remember your time!
Slowsey down first entrance (Nightshade Drive) stopping for Squat PT test once finding wide sidewalks! As if the Mile run wasn’t a test of the mental toughness of the pax……performing this Squat PT test immediately following the mile brought on some cheers and praise from all the pax. Yes, “Jello Legs” started to ensue from all! YHC (unofficially) won the Squat test battle posting a number of 115 in the two minutes.
Time was quickly running out on this somewhat comfortable June morning’s hour pain session by YHC so off the pax went again towards the FOP! Arriving with about 5 minutes to spare, the Big Boy Sit-Up Test quickly commenced! Our resident ‘Bruce-Lee Ab workout genius’ NotoriusNYC, back for his second workout in a row after taking a short 6-8 week hiatus posted an impressive 83 to snag that title!
It is safe to say the Pax were totally spent at this time and all even put in some extra credit this am as we went over the hour by about four minutes.
Great work and effort by all this am! Awesome to see everyone encouraging and pushing each of their brothers to dig deep for one more rep on each of the tests this morning! FNG-Rockwell putting in some hard work and Apnea back for his second Saturday post in a row!
-Welcome to FNG – Rockwell! Prayers for his treatments he is going through and wishing for a speedy recovery. Still not sure about that nickname but will definitely fall into category of ‘most clever to explain the origin of’……
-Continued prayers for Haka’s family as his uncle just passed away. Also thinking of Team Michelle this morning and prayers for strength and comfort.
-Prayers for No-Ski’s M and the tests the doctors are putting her through with her heart condition.
*Coffeeteria afterwards at Dunkin Doughnuts was great with some light chatter about Extreme Ownership, the book we are starting a book study on!
Upcoming Events:
*Wednesday, July 4 – CSAUP here at #TheRanch. Planning a two hour ruck from 6:00 – 8:00 AM with 13 stops (13 colonies) with 50 reps at each stop and possibly a surprise celebration at the end to cap the day off. Only item needed is a ruck sack/back pack with 20-30 lbs in it. We WILL have shovel flag planted at BB courts as well as having our Ruck Flag with us during the CSAUP event! Hit us up on Slack for details on this or if you have questions.
*2nd F – Saturday, July 7 – We have mentioned a World Cup semifinal match viewing get together at maybe Glory Days at 2 pm. Let’s start some mumble chatter on Slack regarding this to get some feedback on availability!
*Next Q – Haka – Tuesday, July 3……..hearing rumors of a special beatdown in the planning stages so stay tuned and don’t miss out!
*VQ coming up – Needles on Thursday, July 12!!!
*Men of F3 Lutz will be invading F3 Suncoast at Adventure Park on Saturday, August 11 so mark your calendars and let us know if you want to join the caravan planning to head down. It will be a 7:00-8:00 am beatdown and probably means a 5:30 am departure from LLR.