Disclaimer was given. 10 PAX on this surprisingly cool day.
Began with an easy Run in Place. Then reversed it with Run in place reversed. Jk lol…
Groinsss stretch to get loose
Straight into IC Side straddle hops followed by Cotton Pickers, Bobby Hurleys x10 OYO
Mosey down to the dead end of “surprise”… Walking lunges down with a Sideway straddle hop back. Then Repeat with SSH opposite direction. This was when it sounded like a 15ft gator was hurling himself out of the water towards us. Turned out to be a couple rather large deer running thru LLR, at least best guess as it was only the moon providing any light for us. Imperial walkers down with Duck walk back. Then Hillbillys down and a backwards duck walk back.
Mosey back to home base, partner up in groups of 3. x30 sec. each then rotate
Group 1- Step ups on bench
Group 2- burpee
Group 3- Split jacks
Emom with 25 sec. high knees, then squats. x3 Followed by Monkey humpers, air squares. x3
Mosey to parking lot. Leg kick unders. From crab position kick leg under until full rotate x10 each leg, repeat x7 each leg. Up next was plank jacks, and plank leg lifts. IC
Mosey back to base. YHC had to ask if anyone still does Mary? ABCs, Freddie Mercury, leg lift, mountain climbers. Hillbillys. Star jacks. Plank 65 sec… time was up
Someone said on our Mosey following group work we all looked like we had Robot Legs, therefore Sprints were called off by Q.
Thanks for the comment looks like I lost weight, wish my belt said the same thing. Also thanks for forgetting YHCs penalty fellas, maybe next time?
YHC proposed a Challenge. 4 beer August… Haka jumped in for my moral support. My plan is 2 beers at a planned brewery trip mid month and 2 more at my money league draft party at end of month! Need all the support for this one 😁