August is here and with it comes a lot of things. School starting back up soon, College and NFL football beginning to be discussed more and more, rain is with us every day it seems like……….and oh yea, there’s an August Challenge for the pax at F3 Lutz! Our 1st F Q Haka unveiled Merkins & Miles for Michelle on Tuesday night and man there has been a lot of mumble chatter ever since.
There is also certainly a little extra pep in everyone’s step and it is great to see. YHC arrived early this am for his Q (around 5:05 am) and what da ya know……….ole Endo’s vehicle was already in the parking lot……..and it wasn’t even warm.
11 pax posted in the gloom and all were ready to get after it at 5:30 am sharp. Flag was planted and disclaimer was given so off we went!
Mosey over to roundabout where YHC had everyone plank while we went over the 5 core principles of F3. It had been awhile and took a few minutes to remember them all by the pax so a great reason to recite these more often.
F3 Five Core Principles
- Free of charge
- Open to all men
- Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
- Led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
- Ends with a Circle of Trust
Warm-Up: (All IC)
-Baby Arm Circles x10
-Overhead Claps x10
-Burpees x10
-Squats x10
-Lunges x10
-Shoulder Taps x20
Merkin Mile time which fits perfectly with our August Challenge to round out our warm-up. Thanks Endo, Haka, Sponge Bob and DBA for the inspiration from Wednesday morning. Although I’m not sure as many Merkins were done by the duo of DBA/Sponge Bob……
Mile run w/ alternating Merkin/Diamond Merkins/Wide Arm Merkins (curve/cross street) 10 stops and 100 total Merkins = 30 Points by 5:45 am………You’re Welcome everybody!
The Thang:
Partner up with your “Merkins & Miles for Michelle” partner (if they posted) or anyone else left over for relay:
Wheelbarrow Walk to cone and back!
Broken Wheelbarrow down to cone and then switch partners. This sucka was a tough one!!
Empty Wheelbarrow down to cone and then switch partners……..this one was even tougher. For those not in attendance just think Crab Walk with your partner holding your legs up in the air!!!
Cinder Blocks:
P1 – lap around dog park and tennis courts.
P2 – exercises
Curls x20
OH Presses x20
Skull Crushers x20
Kettle Bell swings x20
Air Square holding block till partner returns!
2nd round drop to 10 reps!
X’s and O’s
Endo – Leg Raises
Nitrous – Windshield Wipers
Flat Tire – Merkins………because that’s what Flat Tire does man!
-Prayers for Needles M as she recovers from fall down stairs as well as for Needles and an upcoming job interview.
-Praise and thanks from No-Ski for all the TAPs thrown his way for his home sale/moving and for just all the F3 men always being there. Smash and No-Ski’s other 2.0s keep the F3 men in their blessing and prayers when at dinner table and that is awesome to hear.
-Prayers for Endo and his shoulder…….hopefully it is nothing too serious
-YHC stressed to the group that the COT is time for sharing and getting things off your chest. Let’s remember to give men the time to share what is on the hearts and minds!
-Lots of mumble chatter in the gloom about the August Challenge. Some wishing and moaning about making changes to the challenge and the next one can be on whoever takes charge and runs it by the 1st F Site Q = Haka!!! F3 is all about giving every man that has an idea the chance to run with it but they must take ownership of it fully……that is what being the Q is all about!
-Every man pushed themselves today and need to get some more VQ’s on the horizon. Every man has it in them to lead a workout………..just gotta take those steps and have the courage.
-Honored to lead this group and so proud to see so many committed men get out of the fartsack every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
-Lets also remember all month long about our August Challenge and why we are doing it and who we should be thinking about often!
***For those that posted, we did 2 miles and 150 Merkins towards your daily total for our “Merkins & Miles for Michelle Challenge“.