Perfect morning for some miles and merkins! Men showed up ready to work this am. Some were even out before getting in some extra mileage. Flag was planted (good thing @vanellope had his, lucky for me the penalty monster @endo was not present this am) and men went straight to work. Little mumble chatter this am about @notoriousnyc‘s yoga pants. I guess it was a sight for sore eyes.
The Thang:
SSH x 15 IC
Sumo Squats x 15 OYO
Crab Humpers x 15 OYO
Chinooks x 15 IC
Frankensteins x 15 IC
Runners Lunge
Hamstring stretch
5 rounds of the following:
4×4 Merkins – 4 merkins followed by 4 mountain climbers (per leg)
Mosey to the Lake trail:
Once at the trail YHC explained the plan and that he was taking one from @dba‘s playbook. We were to run around the lake and at each bunch of trees, we were to perform 5 merkins. In order to start, however, you must perform 20 burpees. Chest was burning today! For those wondering, it was 230 total merkins around the lake, not counting the burpees.
While the group waited for the 6…we did the following:
50 Flutter Kicks
50 Plank Jacks
50 Flutter Kicks
50 Plank Jacks
Mosey to the Dock
At the dock we performed the following:
30, 20, 10 reps of the following:
Step Ups
Mosey back to basketball courts
YHC logged 2.13 miles today, and 270 Merkins! Get in the extra 30 toady to get yourself to 300 for the August Merkins and Miles challenge! Honor system. Don’t cheat yourself.
Thought and prayers for the usual suspects.
Thankful to continue to be motivated by all the hard working men of F3Lutz
Great work by all on the Aug challenge! I see men are really putting in some extra effort on this challenge. This month is half way over, keep pushing yourselves and each other!