The Three PAXateers – A Series if Unfortunate Events

by | Feb 23, 2019 | Back Blasts

QIC: Vanellope, DBA, Grouper
PAX POSTED: Vanellope, DBA, Grouper

The Three PAXateers – A Series if Unfortunate Events

Beautiful, but warm Feb morning this Sat in the low 70s. A group Q on deck, which typically means the best each PAX has to offer.

First PAX started us off: @Grouper
SSH IC x 20
Windmill IC x 10
Frankenstein IC x 15
Cotton pickers IC x 15
Shoulder Taps IC x 20
Mountain Climbers OYO x 40 (total)

Mosey toward gate directly south of @no-see-ums house

30 Dips on bricks
30 Irkins
1 set of Bruce Lee

Mosey to next gate
30 Step Ups (each leg)
30 Dirkins
1 Bruce Lee

Mosey to Bridge
1 set of Mucho Chesto:
10 reg merkins
10 wide merkins
10 stagger left
10 stagger right
10 diamond merkins

Next PAX was up: @DBA

Mosey around the lake, started his 20 minutes at the end of the bridge westward.

30 big boy sit ups at next group of trees

At every group of trees, each PAX completed the following exercises for 5 groups of trees:
3 jump squats
4 merkins

30 LBCs at the 6th group of trees

Repeated following for next 5 groups of trees:
3 jump squats
4 merkins

30 big boy set ups for a breather at the 6th group of trees

18 burpees total for remaining 9 trees (6 burpees at each group of 3 trees)

1 set of Bruce Lee

Final PAX to close us out: @Vanellope

Mosey to Playground

2 Sets of Climbing the Pole while other PAX did Merkins
4 Sets of Rows x 10 reps (2 Sets with reverse grip) (Plank in between sets)

Mosey to Picnic benches by bathrooms
Up and Down the 3 picnic benches like an obstacle course for 5 minutes Finished with long 11’s on the Field of Pain (Merkins/Squats) could not finish full exercise due to time.

All 3 PAX were spent as hey headed back to the courts

Prayers for all those battling injury, fartsacking or just unable to join.

Prayers for @Haka and @Apnea

Glad to get out this Sat morning to start our weekend off right.