A great morning down at the Ranch. Another double digit midget with 11 Pax on hand. Looks like everyone at F3Lutz wants to take home a victory for our April Challenge. YHC got a little cinder block support this morning from No-see-um and the rest had to be ‘borrowed’. Its good to see all Pax excited about the challenge we are having and supporting each others teams.
Warm UP: (all in Cadence)
- SSH X20
- Windmill X10
- Baby Arm Circles X15 (reverse)
- *Merkins X15
- *LBC X25
- Overhead Block Press X10
- Bentover Rows X10
Blocktanamo- 1) All Pax circled holding the cinder block straight in front with arms extended 2) Each Pax one by one goes around pushing down on each Pax block.
To the Field of Pain:
- Partner Sprint and Catch with block (Partner with block starts about 20yds in front, other Partner has to chase him down. 100 yds)
- Bears and Block (Bear Crawl while dragging the block with you to the finsh. 30 yds)
- Block Burpees X10
- Block *Merkin and Press X20
******Merkin X30*******LBC X50********
- Partner Sprint and Catch with block
- Colt 45’s
- Overhead Tricep Extension X25
******Merkin X30******LBC X50*******
- Lunges holding block over head 30 yds
- Kettle Bell Swings X20
- Block Squat X30
******Merkin X30******LBC X50*******
- Mosey to Benches
- Step Ups with block X30
- Pull Ups/Bent Over Rows X5/X10 (Repeat X3)
******Merkin X30******LBC X50*******
- Mosey to Field of Pain
******Merkin X30******LBC X50******
*Merkin Total= 200
*LBC Total= 300
Great Job by all Pax today.
- Groupers Co-worker and family
- YHC’s friend battling chemo
- DBA’s son
- Haka and M
- Apnea and M
- Grateful to be out here this morning with this group of guys