7 PAX slayed the dragon this morning (including one FNG) to post to a beatdown in the gloom.
Full Disclaimer and F3 principles were delivered as we had one FNG present.
Mosey to the main roundabout for the following, all performed IC
SSH X 15
Imperial Walkers X 15
Frankensteins X 15
Merkins X 10
Mountain Climbers X 15
Mosey back to the Courts for the The Thang
The Cooper
All PAX performed 10 burpees, 10 Squats, then 10 Diamond Merkins followed by 1 lap around the dog park. Then 9, 9, 9 of the same exercises and another lap. We continued this until we got down to 1, 1, 1.
Mosey was definitely back.
Diamond Merkins Count: 55
Quick 10 count for water break followed by all PAX holding Al Gore position until each counted 10 seconds.
Quick mosey to the playground for:
Morning Call
All but one PAX got into merkin position and held the up position while one PAX performed 5 pull-ups. Every time the PAX performed a pull-up, he would call up and all other PAX performed a merkin. After 5 pull-ups, PAX rotated and the next got up and called out his 5 pull-ups. The cycle continued until all performed 5 pull-ups. No one left the push-up position unless it was their turn to do pull-ups or until all pull-ups were completed. We did one cycle.
Over to the path to perform:
Gas Pump
All PAX started in the LBC position and straightened legs to the Dolly position and then back to the LBC position. PAX did 25 reps OYO.
Quick set of 50 Flutter Kicks (per leg) then mosey over to the pavilion for
Russian Dips
All PAX performed 25 reps OYO. Like a regular dip, extending one leg at a time on each down dip – Cossack-style. 1 rep: dip with left leg extended, back up, dip with right leg extended, back up.
Mosey back to the Courts for 1 set of 25 Flutter Kicks (per leg)
With about 6 minutes remaining, YHC had each PAX call out and lead one ab exercise with the promise that the last 25 Flutter Kicks per leg would be done at the end. During one of the sets, we were treated to a shooting star.
Grouper: Leg Raises IC X 15
Haka: LBCs OYO X 25
No-See-Um: Box Cutters IC X 13
Vanellope: American Hammers IC X 15
Flat Tire: Freddie Mercuries OYO X 25
FNG (Bjorn): Big Boy Situps OYO X 15
YHC: 25 Flutter Kicks per leg
Great job by all PAX and welcome FNG Bjorn.
April 2019 Challenge Beat Down Numbers: 50 Diamond Merkins and 100 Flutter Kicks
Prayers for No-See-Um’s Father
Prayers for Haka and his M
Prayers for Vanellope’s friend
Prayers for Apnea’s SIL and M
Prayers for all those PAX DR, that may be going through tough times, and all that couldn’t make it today.