A little quiet this morning as the pax all rolled in to the gloom with just a few minutes to spare. A couple men still trying to shake off the cob webs from their 5 day trip to Mexico and another two could barely lift their arms after doing like 700 pull-ups on Tuesday (or something like that 😉).
Nevertheless, 5 pax (including YHC) were present and ready to get after it this am. YHC had to modify today’s beatdown somewhat to be sure his little injury from Mexico wouldn’t be in danger……two small broken bones in thumb. Ask YHC in slack what happened if you really want to know 😊.
Disclaimer given and off to work as lots of mosey was promised.
The Extended Warm-Up:
Mosey around dog park and then back by tennis courts on to East Roundabout.
-Squats x12
-Baby Arm Circles x12
-Hillbillies x12
-Frankenstein’s x12
Now Mosey to Sunlake for some more warm-up exercises (All IC unless noted):
-Plank – 10 second count by each pax
-Mountain Climbers x10
-Merkins x10
-SSH x20
Indian Run back to courts to get the blood really flowing now. Hopper looking very spry today as his sprints to the front of the line were Haka-like!
A little Mary sprinkled in the middle…..
Captain Thor set while back at the courts. *1:4…..Big Boy Sit-Ups : American Hammer*
1st set up to 5:20……..then 2nd set back down the ladder starting at 5:20!
Mosey to dead end for The Main Event……..some BLIMPS-icides (Muuaahhhaaahhhaa)
B urpees x 10
L unges x 20 (10 per leg)
I mperial Walkers x 30 (15 per leg)
M erkins x 40
P lank Jacks x 50
S upermans x 60
*And Suicides in between each set…..so SIX total suicides!
Staying at the dead end YHC wanted to burn the legs out just a bit more so the pax did Lt Dan’s 1:4 …. Squats : Lunges…..up to 5:20.
And then one more Suicide for good measure since YHC forgot that he put out 5 total cones!!
Mosey back to BB Courts and right on time!
-Prayers for those who are DR, Injured in any way, feeling the Fartsack.
-Also prayers for Vanellope’s M who just underwent surgery. May she have a fast recovery and that Vanellope is there to support her.
–Grouper & YHC thankful to make it through our first sweat since Mexico………and that Mojitos were not leaking from our pours.
-All the pax stuck together this am and held a tight formation throughout.
–Apnea & DBA feeling the Tuesday Pull-Up Fest this morning and who wouldn’t after that workout….great job on Tuesday!
–Hopper looking great out there and glad to have you keep posting.
*Q needed for Saturday’s workout and after that only a handful of open slots so lets fill May up!
*See Slack shortly for a poll on our proposed 2nd F Cookout at the pavilion. There is also Friday night food trucks here at LLR next Friday, May 10 so we could try a mini 2nd F if we want to then. I also see that on Saturday, May 18 there is an adult mixer scheduled for May 18 from 7-10 pm…….but that shouldn’t interfere with plans for a 2nd F if we decide to do that at pavilion.