8 Pax present this fine morning, 6 vets and 2 visitors. Welcome Nano and welcome back Viking. Its been about a month since YHC had Q so it was a great feeling to get back out there. Its like riding a bike. No disclaimer needed, these HIM were ready to go!
High knees, SSH, sumo squat, Booty Bump, Air Press, Chinook, Plank Lunge
The thang:
We started with some 11’s on the basketball court alternating between Burpees and split Jacks.
Around the World:
Circle Up. One by One each PAX run to center of circle, perform exercise and then back to starting point. All other PAX are SSH.
Slam Ball x 5
Slam Ball Thruster x 10
5 x Alternating Push Up
Everyone’s Favorite (aka sprints)
3 Burpees, jog 25% to white line then sprint 50m. Slowsey back to start. Rinse and repeat. We did 8 total sprints.
@dba sounded a bit like frisbee with all of the vomitting sounds. Was music to my ears.
Back to the court and partner up. One partner at each end of the court. Each partner
Bear Crawl to center, Patty Cake Merkins x 10, Crawl Bear back to start x 3 Rounds without resting.
Tabata Squats – 20sec work/10 sec rest x 8 rounds. Sorry YHC didtn have the bring sally up song for this one.
Finshed off with some ab work:
Box Cutters
COT: Nano’s father in the hospital dealing with health concerns. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Moleskin: See slack channel for 2nd F details for this sat 5/18 at the LLR pavilion. Sign up sheet posted for food and supplies needed.