Keep yo ass movin’

by | Jun 22, 2019 | Back Blasts

QIC: Haka
PAX POSTED: Malware, Belding, No-See-Um, Flat tire, Endo, DBA, Nomad

Beautiful morning for an F3 Lutz beatdown. Men of F3 Lutz were hungry to push each other this am. Theme today was keep your ass moving. And we did just that.




Plank Lunge

Squat w/ Tie Kick

High Knees


The thang:

mosey to playground. Partner up.

Burpee Pull Ups alternating reps with your partner. each pax gets 10 reps then 20 total patty cakes as rest. Rinse and repeat for 3 total rounds.

Mosey to Lake Trail – Indian Run around the lake. YHC heard some mumble chatter cussing. Must have been a hit with the pax.

Field of Pain – 40m Burpee Broad Jump, 2 min SSH, 40m Double Walking Lunges, 2 min Run in Place, 40m walking plank, 2 min 3-secĀ  Burpee.

A lot of PAX were ready to be done but YHC assured them the next part was going to be fun. Nobody was buying it.

Partner up for partner wheel barrow race.

10 Irkins at start, wheel barrow down and back, 10 Irkins at Finish. Repeat for other PAx. We did this 2 times. PAX were spent. YHC decided to call it even though there were 2 more minutes on the clock. YHC will make it up to the PAX next time. =)



Prayers for @flattire‘s dog

Thankful for all men pushing themselves and each other. That’s what F3Lutz is all about!