4 HIM made it out this morning for a beat down of stations. YHC arrived a little earlier to prepare the stations. Surprisingly Apnea showed up 10 minutes early as well, shocker lol he is normally in with 30 seconds to spare. Flag was planted and we were off.
Warm Up:
- Mosey around dog park
- SSH X20 IC
- Windmill X10 IC
- Air Presses X10 IC
- Mountain Climbers X15 IC
- Peter Parkers X10 IC
- Merkins X10
- Cossack Squat X10 ICĀ (this is like a side lunge but leaning more into your glutes)
3 Sprints
- 100 yd
- 80 yd
- 50 yd
Field of Pain for Stations-(X2) 1:15 of work/0:25 seconds of rest, AMRAP
- 1-Brick Carry- 50 yds
- 2-Brick Toss (Apnea the breaker of bricks, snapped a brick in half with his bare hands)
- 3-SSH
- 4- Balls to the Wall
- 5-Kettle Bell Swings
- 6-Merkins
- 7-Leg Raises
- 8-Slam Ball
- 9-Pull Ups or Rows
Mosey back to BB courts
- Plank 30 Seconds
- Low Plank 30 seconds
- Left side Plank 30 seconds
- Right side Plank 30 seconds
- Makhtar N’ Diayes – AMRAP until 6:15
- Prayers for those not in attendance
- Thankful for a good workout
- Prayers for safe travels
- Check slack for details on Saturdays upcoming workout location