The Serpent

by | Jul 19, 2019 | Back Blasts

QIC: No-See-Um
PAX POSTED: Apnea, Grouper, DBA, Belding, Endo, Malware, DQ (F3 Houston), Baby Shark (FNG), Parkey (FNG), No-See-Um

Weather: HOT & Muggy

Sky:  Clear with the stars out in full force


YHC has been on the DL and/or DR for about the last 12+ days (or last 5 workouts)……….so feeling sorta like a newbie at this Q thing. Nevertheless, the pax showed up in great numbers in the gloom with the assist from DQ from F3 Houston and two of his buddies (FNG’s). It took a few seconds to corral the men and stop the mumble chatter for a moment but once the men were at attention, it was Go-Time!


Full Disclaimer given for the FNG’s present and everyone was reminded what the 3 F’s stand for:





Now, “Let’s Mosey” 😊…… the east roundabout for the start.


Warmup: (All IC)

SSH x 15

Imperial Walker x 15

Mtn. Climbers x 15

Plank Jacks x 15

Windmill x 10

Frankenstein x 10


Just before embarking on the last bit of ‘warm-up’ for the morning, a strange and mysterious creature showed up right near where a few pax were standing……………(drumrolllllllllllll) – A Snake! Well, just like The Serpent in the Garden of Eden, this little guy tried to derail our workout with all the fascination of it and the chatter that starting happening.  However, the pax quickly righted the ship and re-focused their attention on the task at hand. 

Merkin Mile was up next and time to get to moving (alternating Merkins/Werkins/Diamonds).  YHC took a different route, this merkin mile took the pax down Breynia and then a figure eight to Moorhen and then back.


The mumble chatter was great to this point but it was about to cease as the pax arrived back to the roundabout for some Ring Around The Rosey:

Every pax grab a line and 1 Burpee at first line, then bear crawl. 2 Burpees at second line, then bear crawl, etc (7 total lines so worked up to 7 total Burpees).


After a slowsey back to BB courts for quick sip, it was time for the FOP.


Dora 123 (partner A exercising while partner B run across the FOP to other sidewalk and back)

Shoulder Taps (IC) – 100

LBC – 200

Squats – 300

YHC underestimated the timing of the Dora (ala just been out of it for too long) as the pax finished just in time for one minute of mary. For the record, there were two more series of exercises that YHC wanted to get to and one of them was our favorite……….The Tunnel of Love!!



Dying Cockroach’s


Sweat Angels




Prayers for safe travels two of our visitors heading back out of town this morning.


Prayers for Haka and M as they get ready to welcome #2 into the world very soon.


Praise for DQ’s co-worker’s son and prayers for continued recovery.


Prayers for all those DR or not feeling F3 right now and that they would find their way back out soon!




Welcome two FNG’s (Baby Shark who is local and Parkey from Chicago) as well as DQ from F3 Houston who EH’d his buddies to post!! Come back any time as you three got us to the Double Digit Midget today!


Endo did great job welcoming our FNGs and kept the mumble chatter going strong.


Great to have Malware back out with us as there won’t be many more beatdowns for him as UCF awaits his arrival very soon.



Amazing to be back out with YHC’s brothers in the gloom and get the day started off right.

Thankful for all the HIM here at F3 Lutz!!!