Donkey on the Edge
After I slayed the dragon and emerged to the world I noticed it was a few degrees cooler and knew it was going to be a great day. 5 veteran PAX posted at the Ranch for a sweat fest hosted by Belding. No disclaimer needed so off to the roundabout we moseyed.
Cotton Pickers
Baby Arm Circles
Next each PAX grabbed a line for lunges and push-up (some may recognize this exercise as the Merkin). 1 Merkin, then walking lunges to the next for 2 Merkins and so on for a complete trip around the round about.
Mosey back to the court to grab water and off to the Field of Pain.
The Thang
Tabata (20 Seconds on, 10 seconds off x 8 rounds)
- Merkin
- Reverse Prisoner Lunge (Endo had to be reminded to keep his hands behind his head, and thought having Vanellope behind him was the prisoner part of the exercise.)
- Mountain climber
Mosey to the playground for Morning Call x5
Balls to the wall and wall sits for a 10 count by all PAX
Back through the marsh of the field to the wall for the next round of Tabata (20 on, 10 off)
- Chuck Norris (Burpee with a roll and big boy sit up)–New exercise
- Donkey Kicks
- Jump squats
All PAX pushed through the last round and slowsed back to the courts for:
Box Cutter x 10 IC
Dying cockroach x 10 IC
Sweat Angle x 10 IC
Finished up right at 6:15.
Those DR
For all of us to be the best men as fathers and leaders in the community
Haka, his M and 2.0’s