8 PAX (total) in attendance. Quick disclaimer and strait to work on this warm and drizzly Tuesday beatdown ITG.
Mosey around b-ball court and dog park to round about near dead end
SSH IC x 15
Frankenstein IC x 15
Baby Arm Circles IC x 10
Merkins IC x 10
Plank Jacks IC x 15
Mountain Climbers IC x 15
Mosey toward reserve
Somewhere in between, Fudd turned into Apnea miraculously. Not sure how this happened, but my guess is some sort of magic.
At bridge, complete 3 sets of the following:
20 Irkins
20 Dips
20 Dirkins
20 Step Ups (total)
Mosey and at 2nd bridge bear crawl, then duck walk length of bridge.
Mosey on trail toward small Pavilion.
Bear crawl, then Duck walk again.
Wall Sits 10 secs each
Balls to Wall 10 secs each
Mosey our around reserve b-ball courts and club house
Head back toward LLR b-ball courts
Escalators at light posts:
10 Burpees
20 jump squats
30 split Jacks (total)
40 leg raises
Back down escalator
40 leg raises
30 split Jacks (total)
20 jump squats
10 burpees
Indian Run to b-ball courts
Back at b-ball courts, finish with 4 sets of sprints.
Prayers for @Cougar’s Airman as he battles through challenging time, @Apnea and his co-workers as the work through testing protocols (which have been a success thus far) and all PAX that either couldn’t make it or may have something on their mind.
Sasquatch this Sat, 08/01 for 4 PAX. Good luck @Haka, @Miley, @Vanellope and @Endo!!