QIC: No-See-Um
Pax: Grouper, Cheesehead, Vanellope, Boobie, Anchorman, Miley, Flat Tire, Urkel (FNG), Sanka, No-See-Um
10 Pax present on this wet and drizzly Tuesday gloom. Almost 11 as Endo looked ready to go but wait……was he in his boxers?? Ahhh, Endo was doing what Endo does….making a special delivery, haha! With a slow ten second countdown Boobie slipped into the circle just in time to hear YHC give the Disclaimer, the Five Core Principles and the 3 F’s (Fitness, Fellowship, Faith). One FNG in attendance as the men keep bringing them out and ‘giving it away’!!!
Warm-Up: (All IC, All x10)
Tempo Squats, Windmills, Mtn Climbers, Plank Jacks
YHC forgot to inform the pax that “Good Morning Burpees” would be in effect today. A ‘good morning’ had to go out to anyone seen during our workout…..if they responded with a “Good Morning” back then only one burpee was required. NO “good morning” and all pax owed 5 burpees.
Mosey to Roundabout for more warm-up (All IC, All x10)
Peter Parker’s, OH Claps, Seal Claps, Frankensteins. Next was walking lunges with 1 Burpee at every line!
Indian Run now around DBA’s block and back towards dog park. YHC had the pax stop at corner of dog park/entrance to amenity center and Al Gore for the six. Time for an exercise named after one of our own…… 🙂
Flat Tire:
Partner up and wheelbarrow walk…4 steps/1 Derkin. 8 steps/2 Derkins, 12/3, etc…..go to 20/5 and then flapjack. No doubt the men could have done more but feeling remorseful after Saturday’s IPC workout.
After a quick sip at the courts, YHC took the men to the Tennis Courts for a little change of scenery. Field of Dreams (aka Court of Misery today 🙂 )
4 “bases/cones” set up…
- Squats (amrap)
- Merkins (amrap)
- LBC (amrap)
- 10 burpees (catalyst and made everything move)
Next, in pairs….run around “diamond/courts” while everyone else does exercises IC/or NOT. Many exercises performed including Sweat Angels, Box Cutters, LBC’s, Leg Raises, Freddie Mercuries, Plank.
Back to BB courts and just enough time to get in some Hurricane Hoedown:
- 7 Seated Flutters hands raised in Hallelujah
- 7 Hands-Behind Slightly-Reclined Flutters
- 7 Normal Flutters
- 7 LBC Flutters
Pax made it through 7, 6, 5, & 4 before the last bike rider went by and totally ignored our repeated “Good Morning’s”…..5 more Burpees!!!
- YHC shared a message about the peaks and valleys of life. Doing book study on “Fearless” by Max Lucado and last weeks chapter talking about the worries in life that we all experience. We all have a tendency of making it to Peak in our life and all we see is the next Peak…..there are valleys in between and that holds a lot of the worries in our life. We always want to try and jump from peak to peak…but must go through the valleys, the tough parts of life. Those are the things that make us stronger and really makes us who we are in the long run!
- Prayers for Boobie’s mom and grandmother as grandmother was put in hospice and very tough on mom.
- Prayers for Urkel’s (FNG) co-worker/friend who is recovering from cancer treatments and praying for full recovery.
- Continued prayers for 2.0’s as they continue schooling during this crazy time and many of ours playing sports as well.
- Continued prayers as well for Sloppy Joe and his family during tough time.
- The pax also learned later in the day today that Rasenbagger lost his dad suddenly so TAP’s for him in this difficult time.
- Prayers also for YHC’s co-worker’s father who was going in for major surgery as he’s been battling cancer for quite some time now.
- Great seeing double digits again and the men of F3 Lutz continue to EH and bring in FNG’s every week…..keep it up men!!
- Sanka out for his third beatdown in a row (Friday, Saturday and now Tuesday) after being out for quite awhile with ACL surgery. Great having you back and the men knew you’d be back!!!
- Cheesehead also inspiring men every workout as YHC doesn’t think he’s missed a Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday in last three weeks……just awesome stuff!! Positive attitude and smiles for days with this guy!
- Boobie looking like real Boobie Miles during the Indian Run and YHC knows who he’s picking for the next kickball game!!
- Grouper on Q Thursday and bound to be some sort of mosey 🙂 to get the men ready for Saturday.
- Speaking of Saturday……IPC Week 3 @ 7:30 am! Word is Haka is on Q for that but haven’t heard much from him. Maybe he’ll make it out Thursday or Friday for a warm-up 🙂