15 Strong at the Ranch ITG. The guys came hungry and YHC brought plenty to eat this morning.
Quote of the Day: ” I am going to catch your 130lb ass ” Haka…. I stole a page out of Endo’s playbook LOL. I just cant stop thinking of Haka on my ass yelling that at me during the sprints.
Warm Up
- 1/4 Mile Mosey back to BB courts
- SSH X20 IC
- Baby Arm Circles X10
- Windmill X10
- Groiners X10
Mosey to Playground
- 5 Pull Ups/10 Merkins…X5 Rounds
Mosey to FOP
- 5 Burpees 50 yd Sprint…X4
To Pavilion Picnic benches
- 5 Box Jumps/ 10 Step Ups…X5 Rounds
- 10 Mountain Climbers 50 yd Sprint…X5
To BB Courts
- 11’s
- 1st Round- Split Jacks/Squats
- 2nd Round- Mountain Climbers/Plank Jacks
Team Relay Race- 4 Pax/team. Each Pax had to perform 1 of the following exercises and sprint around BB courts next to Mailboxes while the remaining teammates SSH.
- 1st Heat- 10 Burpees
- 2nd- 20 Merkins
- 3rd- 30 Squats
- 4th- 40 LBC’s
- *Winning team does 5 Burpees, 2nd Place 10 Burpees, 3rd Place 15 Burpees, 4th Place 20 Burpees
The Good news is that the clock struck 6:15 so there were just winners because no more Burpees had to be done.
- Prayer for Cheesehead
- Prayer for all our 2.0’s
- Prayer for No-see-um and family
- Thankful another great morning
Vanellope Shout Out’s:
- Flat Tire- Boy when it comes to competition Flat Tire rises above and beyond, fastest 1/4 mile run I have ever seen Flat Tire run today to win the Team Relay Race lol. And it doesn’t go unnoticed being a regular and showing these young bucks how its done.
- Waterboy- Another seasoned veteran giving 100% and working hard ITG. It’s great to have you out grinding away and continuing to post.