QIC: Apnea
PAX in Attendance: Apnea, Chowdah
After all the celebrating yesterday, it was expected that attendance would be low. YHC decided to take the Q and got one HC from Chowdah. YHC arrived 2 minutes late to the District but quickly got to work with Chowdah. Quick disclaimer.
10 Frankensteins IC
10 Imperial Walkers IC
Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 IC
Baby Arm Circles Reverse with hands pointed down X 10 IC
10 Merkins IC
10 Mountain Climbers IC
Mosey all the way to opposite side of main field and then back for THA THANG
Deck of Death
On short notice, YHC relied on the deck of death.
Cards shuffled but no cut required by Chowdah. Exercises performed in the following order with cards being pulled one at a time by each PAX.
9 of Spades: 19 Low, Slow Squat IC
2 of Clubs: 12 WWII Situp
K of Spades: 25 Squats
9 of Clubs: 90 Seconds of High Plank, 10 seconds per PAX for 9 rounds
3 of Hearts: 300 meter sprint – Sprint from start of parking lot to about ¾ of the way down parking lot.
4 of Diamonds: 14 Carolina Dry Docks
Q of Spades: 25 Monkey Humpers
4 of Hearts: 400 meter sprint – Mosey about ¾ of the way down parking lot and then sprint the remaining ¼. Turnaround and repeat.
7 of Clubs: 17 LBCs
J of Hearts: 25 Plank Jacks
6 of Diamonds: 16 Wide Arms Merkins
3 of Clubs: 13 High, Slow Flutter Kicks – Hard way, IC
5 of Hearts: Karaoke from first light post to second light post and then back to start facing the field both ways.
10 of Clubs: 20 Rosalitas
9 of Hearts: 19 High Knees, hard way
8 of Spades: 18 Back Lunges, easy way
J of Spades: 25 Smurf Jacks
K of Clubs: 25 American Hammers, hard way
6 of Clubs: 60 Seconds of Low (Elbow) Plank, 10 seconds per PAX for 6 rounds
4 of Clubs: 14 reps of Heels to Heaven
K of Diamonds: 25 Merkins
Joker: YHC called for 10 Burpees
4 of Spades: 14 Alternating Side Squats, easy way
10 of Diamonds: 20 Incline Merkins
2 of Hearts: 200 meter sprint from first light post to second light post
Q of Clubs: 25 Freddie Mercuries, hard way
A of Spades: 100 Flutter Kicks, easy way
8 of Hearts: 18 Squat Thrusts (air press at top of squat)
Great effort by both PAX.
Glad to get out today to start the week off right.
Prayers for all those PAX and anyone fighting COVID and a speedy recovery
Prayers that everyone had a great time last night while also staying safe