Q: Chowdah
PAX: Apnea, Smoggy, Chowdah
A great way to start the week, 60ish degrees on a Monday morning BD at “The District”. YHC decided think of the work out on the spot because sometimes we don’t always get to opportunity to prep.
Warm-up (done in cadence)
- 10 SSH
- 10 Frankensteins
- 10 Squats
- 10 Babyarm circles (forward/backwards)
Mosey towards the main street (over to the Activity/ work out set up)
- Counted off, each PAX did one exercise and moved to next exercise
- 20 Inverted rows
- 20 Urkins
- 20 Leg Hanging Lifts
Mosey back to start but over to parking lot area
- Spring then jog alternating between each light post; at light post do 5 burpees (5 posts)
- Turn right toward main street, same thing but 10 squats at each light post
- On main street: same thing but 15 merkins at each light post
- Ended at Activity/work out set
Work out set:
- Counted off, each PAX did one exercise and moved to next exercise
- 20 Inverted rows
- 20 Urkins
- 20 Hanging Leg Lifts
- After finishing final set
- Bruce Lees
- 20 Supermans with a 10 second hold on the 10th superman
- Back to work out set
- 10 Inverted rows
- 10 Urkins
- 10 Hanging Leg Lifts
Mosey back to start but over to parking lot: Round 2
- Karaokes on each side for the first two light post
- High Knees to the third post
- Show Girls (aka, Hip openers- abductors/adductors)
Turn around: Finish up
- Sprint between light posts:
- At each light post do 5 burpees,10 squats, and 15 merkins
Congratulation to Smoggy’s family for the new addition to the family
Prayers for those who couldn’t make it out due to injury or health. Grateful for a great group of men and the good weather for a tough beatdown.