QIC: No-See-Um
Pax: Waterboy, Smokey, Dillio, Grouper, Vanellope, Apnea, Belding, Flat Tire, Hooker, Baywatch, DBA, Rub-N-Tug, Miley, No-See-Um
Weather conditions: Low 60’s, partly cloudy and a light breeze…..or was that Flat Tire 🙂
YHC filling in for Urkel as he has been under the weather for a few days. Prayers he gets better and back out with the pax. With every beatdown comes a disclaimer, and one of the main points is always “Modify As Needed”. Welp, as most everyone knows, YHC has a big ole boot on his right foot so let the modifications begin.
14 pax posted and most were on time and ready to rock…..except for the usual suspect and one that left his lights on. I mean tailgate down….huh??
This was not the first CORE beatdown, but it most likely was the first 0.0 (aka NO MOSEY) beatdown. Hmmmmmm, ideas for another AO workout possibly…….
Warm-Up: (All IC)
Hillbillies, Frankensteins, Squats, Merkins, Shoulder Taps, Balls to Sky (DBA’s), Baby Arm Circles
To the other BB court with music in hand. Pax were directed to the graffiti on the court which outlined the main event for the gloom’s activities.
Main Event:
3 Sets (ALL Hard Way except for Merkins)
- OH Squats x10
- Curls x10
- OH Press x10
- Block Merkins x10 (easy way, just count)
- American Hammers x10
*Rifle Carry* …. Around BB court & back.
- Goblet Squats x10
- Front Raises x10
- Block Swings x10
- Skull Crushers x10
- Big Bois with Block x10
*Rifle Carry* …. Around BB court & back.
Did anyone notice how Flat Tire was crushing the sets this am on the courts!!?? This is his kind of beatdown 🙂
Quick water break and then on to FOP w/ Blocks of course. Grouper on to YHC’s tricks as he could sense some Murder Bunnies were coming……but that wasn’t all 🙂
Field Of Pain:
All pax lined up on the field and ‘Murder Bunnied’ to light pole (approx. 45.6 yards). It was also suggested for the pax to tighten up spacing once at the Murder Bunny finish point. Next YHC instructed all to leave blocks lay and Get On Your Bellies!! Army Crawl in a big oval around blocks and then Rifle Carry on to the far sidewalk.
*10 count*
Now time to Murder Bunny all the way back (60+ yards)…..wait on the six then back to the courts.
3 MOM w/ blocks:
- Flutters x10
- Leg Raises x10
- Dying Cockroaches x15
- Prayers for Pinellas County Deputy Michael Magli & his family as he is being laid to rest today.
- Thinking of all the pax and any unspoken things on the men’s hearts.
- Flat Tire showed the pax another possible reason for his name this am just before getting started, HAHA!
- Hooker grinding out the reps today and really pushing himself till the end, great job!
- DBA, looked like an actual Jack Rabbit during the final stretch of the Murder Bunnies…..he was a man possessed!!
- It also appeared that Flat Tire may have murdered an actual bunny during the FOP festivities after seeing his block. Oh wait, under better lighting it was more than likely just animal feces of some kind, LOL!!
Quote of the Day:
“No Mosey brings out ALL the pax”
-Flat Tire
- F3 Lutz is now a full blown REGION in F3 Nation, Yea Baby! F3 Mustard Seeds put out the tweet yesterday (see it here -> https://twitter.com/F3MustardSeeds/status/1363900133860114441) ……so now we have ‘officially’ arrived and are in the big leagues now, LOL! Thanks to all of the pax who have been committed and dedicated to seeing us Plant, Grow & Serve.
- F3 Lutz soon to be F3 Nature Coast. Logo is done, t-shirt order is getting set up and almost time to make our announcement to The Nation. Stand by for more…
- Expansion (DT Tampa) – If anyone knows of guys down into Tampa (or in that direction) that needs F3, which is EVERY man, let YHC or Belding know. Looking to do some recon beatdowns in a few weeks on a Saturday at Water Works Park. F3 Suncoast will also be providing assistance/resources.
- TNT – Truth Nugget Thursday – After every Thursday beatdown there is parking lot coffeeteria and one pax (or many) will share some nuggets of truth. Come experience some great 2nd & 3rd F!
- F3 SLT roles up for re-shuffling. If you are interested in taking on an F3 Shared Leadership Team role, please reach out. Some may be hand selected as there are already folks in mind!