Welcome to the Inner Circle, Burpees await

by | Mar 4, 2021 | Back Blasts

QIC: Chowdah
PAX POSTED: Haka, Hitchhiker, Vanellope, Grouper, Ol' Faithful, Waterboy, Miley, Vanilla Ice, Hooker, Urkel, Big Papi, Smoggy, Apnea, Chowdah

Q: Chowdah

PAX: Haka, Hitchhiker, Vanellope, Grouper, Ol’ Faithful, Waterboy, Miley, Vanilla Ice, Hooker, Urkel, Big Papi, Smoggy, Apnea, Chowdah

The beatdown (eating that live frog) bright and early started at 530AM. The weather was clear and temp was cool (58F Degrees), perfect weather to continue adding to our burpees challenge! 14 PAX in attendance to flex and overcome their 100 burpees early in the day. New FNG picked a great day to join, welcome Ol’ Faithful


Warm-up (in cadence)

  • 15 SSH
  • 10 Baby Arm Circles
  • 10 LBCs
  • Circle Burps (10 burpees all together)
  • Knee circles
    • to stretch/warm up the knee

Transitioning from the mosey from the warm-up, got a to have a quick laugh from Vanilla Ice’s knee circles looking like he was doing the stanky leg

Mosey from courts to round-about between LLR blvd and Nature view Dr

Exercise: Outer to Inner circle

  • Start with a burpee at outer circle
  • Bear crawl from outer circle to inner circle
  • on ledge of inner circle- 10 urkins
  • reverse bear crawl back to outer circle and complete burpee
  • Repeat (10 burpees total, 100 urkins total)


Mosey from round-about to Sunlake Blvd

Sprint to mosey between each light post, at each light post do set of exercises below (went down 7 light posts)

  1. 10 Burpees
  2. 10 Split Jack Lunges (hard way)
  3. 20 Plank Jax

Once finished, PAX brought in their 6, a brief recovery before

  1. 15 Dying cockroaches (in cadence but YHC had to work on the counting)


Mosey back towards round-about with a quick pause on LLR Blvd to do 20 mountain climbers (hard way)

Complete mosey back to the basketball courts with less than a minute to do one round of sprints.


Prayers for Waterboy’s and Hooker’s employees. Waterboy hoping for some more self-accountability on the employees behalf, Hooker has an employee in the hospital and we pray for wellness.

YHC brought up that, as we talk about things on our mind: encouragement to bring up the good things too. (be grateful for what you have and things that happen- which bleeds into topic at TNT) Happy to hear about Big Papi’s recent news about the M. YHC recent developments at work for a promotion and being accepted by Florida Aquarium as a volunteer diver.

TNT: Haka lead this thoughtful journey to discuss and follow up from the thread No-See-Um brought into our slack conversation (Origins by another PAX from the F3 Fort Collins group)

We don’t always have all the facts and sometimes we should examine our reactions to evaluate our stance(s). How do you want to be remember? Whether it’s by your family, friends, co-workers, or a stranger. We might not always catch something in the heat of the moment, but what we can do it try, and if you fail; try again and fail better.