PAX in attendance: Apnea, Baywatch, Belding, Big Papi, Cheesehead, Chowdah, DBA, Flat Tire, Haka, Hitchhiker, Hooker, No-See-Um, Ol’ Faithful, Rub N Tug, Saint, Smoggy, Vanilla Ice
Full Disclaimer and the F3 core principles were delivered
No time to waste so we got straight to it with a mosey around the dog park and tennis courts back to the basketball court for the following
Quick Announcement was Good Morning Burpees in effect. PAX are to wish anybody passing by Good Morning. If they reply with a Good Morning, PAX are to do 5 burpees.
Windmills X 15 IC (YHC accidently started doing tappity taps to the confusion of the PAX. Thanks for the correction)
Frankensteins X 15 IC
Merkins X 10 IC
Mountain Climbers X 10 IC
Burpees X 5 OYO
Today’s beatdown brought to you by Sheldon Cooper.
All PAX performed 10 burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Big Boy Sit-Ups, 10 Merkins followed by 1 lap around the dog park. Then 9, 9, 9, 9 of the same exercises and another lap. We continued this pattern until we got down to 1, 1, 1, 1.
After the first 5 rounds (starting after 5, 5, 5, 5 reps were completed), PAX then had to perform the full lap around the dog park and tennis courts until 1, 1, 1, 1 reps were met.
10 total laps (about 2.5 – 3 miles for the day) and 55 reps of each exercise completed.
YHC had extra work planned just in case but with just 2 minutes remaining, we finished up with 3 rounds of circle burpees.
Great work by all PAX pushing themselves and their brothers to finish up that last set.
Maybe next time, we’ll see Bill Murray instead of Sheldon.
Prayers to Haka and family for an easy move to their new home this week.
Prayers to Smoggy and family for the 2.0 on the way
Prayers to Hitchhiker and family for their 2.0 who was just born
Prayers to those PAX who are pushing themselves to prepare for the upcoming Grow Ruck
Prayers to those PAX DR or recovering from injuries.
Tomorrow’s Ruck will be for 1.5 to 2 hours and if any PAX have time to spare, we’ll be assisting Haka with the final move immediately after.