14 #HIM posted at 730 for a Belding mile beat down. With Apnea joining about 825.
SSH IC x 10
Baby arm circles IC x 10
Frankensteins IC x10
Merkins IC x 10
Tempo squats IC x10
Mosey and Indian run toward Bexley village dr, around the round about, down Tower rd to Ballantrea Blvd to the soccer field. Have 6 stops during the Mosey to complete 1 set of each exercises at each stop for 2 rounds.
Mucho chesto
Bruce Lee
Leg day (reverse lunges, squats, Bonnie Blair’s, monkey jumpers. 20 reps each exercise the hard way).
Mosey to Bexley Village Dr. complete 1 set Mucho Chesto.
Indian run toward the round about. Complete 1 set Bruce Lee.
Mosey to roundabout. Complete 1 set Leg day.
Not go all the way around the roundabout and take the wrong turn and end up staying on Bexley blvd. complete another set of Mucho Chesto and Bruce lee.
Continue mosey and YHC has no idea where he is and continues to get questions from the PAX about where we were going and are you sure about where we are going. Had no idea but the PAX kept pushing it and moving along.
DBA says go this way through the apartments. I used to live here. Finally get back to Mentmore blvd for last set of legs. Everyone then starts the mosey back to the Bone Yard.
The lead pack of Haka, grouper, anchorman, and vanellope make it back at 829. All PAX in by 837.
Planned distance-2.0 miles
Actual distance-4.5 miles
DBA family as they battle Covid.
YHC will not include any long mosey in his bear downs for a while as this is the 2nd time in a row where timing was a little off.
No-see-um was presented with an departing gift from the group to show our appreciation for his leadership over the past 5 years to bring F3 to Lutz/Nature Coast.