QIC: Grouper
PAX: Apnea, Belding, Big Papi, Cheesehead, DBA, Flat Tire, Hitchhiker, Hooker, Malware, Rub N Tug, Smokey, Urkel, Vanellope, Waterboy, Grouper
15 PAX in attendance on this beautiful 68 degree morning, 2 PAX still feeling the pain coming off GrowRuck 18. Not even that was enough to keep them from joining the F3 Nature Coast men for a nice beatdown in the gloom!
Quick disclaimer and @Cheesehead helping us with the 5 core principles, then straight to work.
Mosey to round about
SSH IC x 15
Franekenstein IC x 15
Windmill IC x 10
Squat IC x 10
Merkin IC x 10
Plank Jack IC x 10
Mosey to 5th light post north on Sunlake
Escalators in teams- Team 1 would go south and Team 2 north, with the first team back to the starting point choosing the penalty of their choice.
10 burpees
20 monkey humpers
30 squats
40 flutter kicks (hard way)
(Back down)
40 flutter kicks (hard way)
30 squats
20 monkey humpers
10 burpees
Team 1 was crowned the winner and chose a 10 burpee penalty, which all PAX completed thanks to @Flat Tire’s leadership.
Indian run (2 groups) toward cross section (Nightshade)
1 set of Mucho Chesto:
10 merkins
10 wide
10 stagger left
10 stagger right
10 Diamond
Mosey to traffic circle
1 set of Bruce Lee:
20 leg raises
20 flutter kicks
20 American hammers
20 dying cockroaches
20 Freddie Mercury’s
20 LBCs
Indian run – 2 groups
Stop at entrance to townhomes
1 more set of Mucho Chesto:
10 merkins
10 wide
10 stagger left
10 stagger right
10 Diamond
Mosey back to b-ball courts
8 or so 50m sprints to finish in up, 2 groups at a time
Prayers for @Urkel and @DBA and their families as they battle through loss.
Prayers for @Hitchhiker and @Smoggy and their Ms and 2.0s!
Prayers for all men that may have something on their mind they are unwilling to share and that everyone stay safe and healthy during this time.
EH challenge rolling out this week through June, so get ready…need to continue to Plant, GROW and Serve!
Also, @Hitchhiker is working on some future CSAUP events for us…more detail to come!