3 PAX joined YHC to make the trek out to the District to start the week off right with a muggy sweaty beatdown. Being my 2nd Q still trying to get it right we started off at 5:30 with a needed disclaimer and 5 core principles of F3.
Warm up: in unison as long as I counted correctly and not messed up my 4 count
10 baby arm circles forward, 10 Reverse
10 Seal claps
15 SSH
10 Frankenstien
Step 1 of the Thang:
Short mosey to the parking lot, after Apnea completed his warm ups in the ride over he picked up right as we were getting started.
Escalating 10-50 at each tree on the right hand side sprinting to next station after everyone completes. After each exercise PAX would hold a Bear Plank. On all fours lift your knees slightly off the ground and hold working your quads as well as core.
10 Burpees
20 Merkins
30 Bobby Hurleys
40 Leg Lifts
50 Sholder Taps EW
Step 2
Mosey to baseball fields and bleachers.
Second round of 10-50 no plank in between. FYI for future reference please make sure that aluminum benches are clear of moisture before hopping up on them as Hitchhiker clearer demonstrated the importance of knowing this. Luckily the only think broken was his ego.
10 Box jumps
20 Derkins
30 Dips
40 Step ups EW
50 LBC’s
Step 3
Mosey to corner of fields for a Set of Jackie Chans.
Step 4
Mosey to playground grassy knoll. Partner up for 1-2-3 Dora
100 Merkins
200 Squats
300 Monkey Humpers
Partner runs to top of the hill and completes 1 burpee
10 count recovery and then Mosey to corner
Step 5
Double set of Mucho Chesto. YHC was not aware that a Mucho Chesto was only 10 reps of each but will remember for future reference.
Step 6
Nothing like finishing the morning with a brand new WTF kind of pain is this exercise.
Bear Walk Inch Worm
PAX line up in Indian run fashion but all in the plank, PAX in the back of the line then Bear walks to front of the line and calls out when he gets to the front.
The last PAX then follows suit by Bear walking to the front. Rinse and repeat
With time at a premium and 2 minutes to spare we broke the inchworm to mosey back to start and only had 20 seconds of wall sit to finish the morning off.
Continued posting on Slack of upcoming events Road Clean Up. Looking for HC so Hitchhicker can get supplies. CSAUP events planned for the next quarter and more to come.
Prayers for families in travel mode.