11 Pax arrived to get the Hammer Dropped on them! YHC had a shirt on that read ‘Drop The Hammer’, Haka made sure to let all the Pax know. Weather was great and pax looked ready to go.
Warm Up:
- Mosey around the dog/tennis court
- SSH X20 IC
- Merkin X10 IC
- Squat X10 IC
- Peter Parker X10 IC
- Groiners X10 IC
HIT .40/.20 X5 (40 Seconds on/20 seconds off each exercise below)
- Split Jacks
- Frogger
- High Knees
- Bear Crawl
- Split Jacks
- Mosey around dog/tennis court X2 (4:30 to complete)
- Merkin
- Jump Squats
- Butt Kicks
- Big Boy Sit Up’s
- Merkin
- Mosey around dog/tennis court X2 (indian run to keep the pax as one)
- Pull Up’s- Partner up, 5 Rounds of 5 Pull Up’s while partner holds plank
Hard 11’s
- Mountain Climbers
Circle Up For Core
- Plank Jacks X10 IC
- Hip Thrusters X10 OYO
- Windshield X10 OYO
- Fliutter Kicks X10 IC
3 Minutes Remaining
- Alternating between Burpee and Groiners every .10 Seconds without break
- Prayers for Haka and family
- Prayers for Baywatch’s M
- Prayers for Bubbles
- Prayers for Grouper and family
- Prayers for Dillio’s friend
- Prayers for Cuba and the oppression they are facing
- Trifecta F happening Saturday….Starting with a Haka beatdown, followed by cleaning our 2 mile stretch of 54 that Hitchhiker has adopted for us at F3 Nature Coast and has done an awesome job getting setting everything up, and lastly our Pub Crawl in the evening. Fun day guys!