A warm morning out ITG, perfect for celebrating a late night (technically early morning eastern time) Dodger walk-off win. YHC was a little concerned that the alarm was not going to work after that late night but made it out nonetheless. 17 pax total were ready to roll right away, no FNGs so we rolled through the 5 core principles, disclaimers, and got started.
- Mosey around dogpark and basketball courts to get the heart rate up
- 8 burpees since 8 total runs were scored in the AL wildcard game earlier in the week
- In cadence
- 10 SSH
- 10 arm circles (10 forward, 10 backward)
- 10 Tappy taps
- 4 burpees since 4 total runs were scored in the NL wildcard game
- Back in cadence, 10 Monkey humpers
- Quick sip, then onto…
The Thang:
- Pax got into 2 lines for an Indian run out to Sunlake
- Upon arriving at the corner of Sunlake Blvd and LLR blvd YHC explained the Attack & Advance
- Attack & Advance
- Everyone partners up
- While partner A moseys (“Attacks”) to the next light pole and back, partner B is exercising
- When partner A returns, partner B moseys to the next light pole and back. While he is doing that partner A is doing the same exercise partner B just did
- Once both partners have completed their “there & back to the next pole” mosey, both partners “Advance” to the next light pole and start again with exercise 2, and so on
- Exercises
- 1st pole: Bonnie Blairs
- 2nd pole: Pax choice of… scorpion dry docks, carolina dry docks, CHerkins
- 3rd pole: Freddy Mercuries
- 4th pole: back to Bonnie Blairs, and then the remaining poles cycle through the 3 exercises like the first 3 (i.e. 5th pole, pax choice of scorpion dry docks, etc, 6th pole Freddy Mercuries, and so on)
- About halfway through Baywatch mentioned that the name of this BD should be “Endless Lightpoles” and I cannot disagree.
- Attack & Advance
- PAX did great, with some diads making it all the way to the end (the next cross street) and everyone coming back to pick up the 6, finishing a final round then a quick 10 count before heading back in the direction of the court.
- There was an intense race, with Bubbles back peddling nearly as fast as Chowdah could mosey forward… with the rest of us Pax just trying to catch our breath!
- When PAX reached the corner of Sunlake and LLR, we got into 2 lines and did an indian run back to the courts.
- At the court, circled up and finished with:
- 10 Nolan Ryan’s in cadence (10 on each arm)
- 2 rounds of Super 21s, our second round was much better than the first.
- We went a little long as punishment for not having the flag set up. YHC takes the blame for not remembering to make that happen and will complete some extra punishment at the next BD.
- 10/9: Flag Football post beatdown
- 10/23: Habitat-for-humanity
- 10/30: Tunnels to Tower 5k
- 11/6: Adopt-a-Highway
- It was good to have Bubbles back, while we learned he has encountered some intense challenges in his life we are thankful he is choosing to spend some time with us to whip us into shape.
- Just Do It is thankful for support given some challenges going on in his life. Prayers for his mother’s health and for the family of the man he used to coach with. He reminded us to not do anything halfway, go all in because you do not know how much time you have left or when your circumstances will change.
- Finished with a great time of Fellowship in TNT at Baywatch Cafe, with some good discussion about dealing with and overcoming significant obstacles we come across in life.