Leftover from the fitness test – Merkins, Squats and Big Boy Setups

by | Oct 12, 2021 | Back Blasts

PAX POSTED: DILLIO, Focker, Petey, Pritchard, Grouper, Hitchhiker, Haka, Endo, Apnea, Belding, Big papi, Bubbles, Vanellope, DBA, CZ, Cheesehead, Hooker, FNG - Cricket

Leftover from the fitness test – Merkins, Squats and Big Boy Setups

Beautiful Tuesday morning and Pax showed up ahead of time. Apnea beat his own time and showed up 15 minutes earlier. YHC was enjoying the conversation and forgot to check the time. 2 minutes remaining and PAX woke up YHC. Not sure what kicked in 🙂

Mosey to the roundabout towards Sun Lake.

Grab a line, 2 burpees in each line, walking lunges to the next line – one round

In cadence: SSH, Frenkestine, Wind Mills

Mosey to the Sun Lake

Mosey to next 5 Light poles doing below exercises in each pole:
2 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins

Wait for the sixes doing Monkey Humpers or SSH

Partner up for Dora 1, 2, 3
100 Big Boy Setups
200 Merkins
300 Squats
One partner runs to the light pole while other does the exercise.

A set of Bruce Lee in Cadence

Indian Run and Mosey back to the court.

COT: Prayers for all those requiring healing hands.

Announcement: Keep checking slack chanels for upcoming 3rd F and 2nd F events. October, November and December will be busy giving months.