QIC: Apnea
PAX: Bandit, Baywatch, Cricket, DBA, Dillio, Eleanor, Grouper, Hitchhiker, Petey, Pritchard, Smokey
YHC had advertised the night before for anyone attending The Ranch to bring their mosey shoes. Quick disclaimer, then into plank while reciting the five core principles, and then mosey to the main roundabout.
SSH x 10 IC
Frankensteins X 10 IC
Tappity Tap Taps X 10 IC
Baby Arm Circles Forward x 10 IC
Baby Arm Circles Reverse x 10 IC
Overhead Claps X 10 IC
Squats X 10 IC
Merkins X 10 IC
Mosey to the corner of Sunlake bBvd and LLR Blvd for the THANG.
Merkin 0.8 Mile
YHC stated that all PAX would mosey to the corner of Sunlake Blvd and 54 while doing 5 Merkins at each light post on the left (starting at the second light post). YHC may have stated 3 Merkins at one point when asked to clarify the work but re-stated 5. As we got to the second light, the mumblechatter made YHC realize he misstated the requirements of light posts on the left since only the second light post was on the left with the remaining being on the right. YHC corrected the requirements on the fly with 5 Merkins at all light posts. All PAX finishing first circled back for the six.
All PAX in two lines facing each other near the corner of Sunlake Blvd and 54 for a set of Howling Monkeys for the entertainment of those driving along 54 about to start their morning commute. All PAX grabbed their ankles in Monkey Humper fashion and counted off ten monkey humpers each followed by the next person and so on as in other “ring of fire” exercises. The exception to the standard is that we all did the monkey humpers which was 120 in total so one round was enough.
Original plan was to run along 54 and back down Grand Parkview Blvd but an audible was made upon checking the time.
All PAX lined up for an Indian run back towards the courts along Sunlake Blvd and after one cycle, we stopped and did a set of Captain Thors
1 Big Boy Situp:4 American Hammers – Hard Way
2 Big Boy Situps: 8 American Hammers – Hard Way
3 Big Boy Situps: 12 American Hammers – Hard Way
4 Big Boy Situps: 16 American Hammers – Hard Way
5 Big Boy Situps: 20 American Hammers – Hard Way
All PAX lined back up for another Indian run as we made our way back, making a left at Nightshade Drive. Once the cycle was complete, stopped for the following set midway along Nightshade Drive:
50 LBCs
40 Squats
30 Lunges Easy Way
20 Merkins (Even though we all did 5 merkins multiple times earlier along sunlake, a few more couldn’t hurt, right?)
10 Burpees (YHC made sure to slip some of these into the beatdown)
Indian run along Nightshade Dr making a right onto Serenoa Dr for one cycle until we stopped near Rub N’ Tug’s house. 20 Squats OYO.
Indian run along Nature View Drive to the intersection of Beautyberry Court for a set of 20 LBCs OYO.
Indian run along Nature View Drive to the intersection of Deer Tracks Loop for a set of 10 Merkins.
With two or so minutes left, Indian run back to the courts with an AYG once we got to the parking lot.
Finished at 6:15
Great job by all PAX today.
Prayers for bringing this great group of men together today here at the Ranch and the Boneyard.
Prayers for Vanellope and his family.
Prayers for all those PAX that couldn’t make it out today.