Clear & 48 degrees at The Ranch this morning. YHC decided there was no better way to celebrate his 52nd birthday than to wake up at O-dark-thirty in preparation for a block birthday beatdown.
Quick review of the F3 mission: “Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.”
Mosey over to the Nature View traffic circle for some warm-up exercises:
Seal claps-IC-X10
The Thang:
With the block in a rifle carry position, the PAX teamed up for a quick round of “catch me if you cans”. One PAX carried the block in a rifle carry position while the other PAX ran around the dog park, basketball and tennis courts until he caught up with the PAX carrying the block. Then switched positions until back at the BB courts.
Next, a version of DORA:
Teams of 2 PAX working together to reach cumulative exercise goals of 100 and 200 reps. PAX 1 executes as many reps as possible while PAX 2 runs around the Dog Park. Flapjack until team goal is reached.
- 100 BBS to overhead press
- 200 Block Squats
With time still on the clock, group block rifle carry around the dog park. If any PAX’s block fell below the head, 10 push-ups for everyone.
1 solid Circle Block Burpees at the BB courts to finish the beatdown.
Prayers for our F3 brothers, within the Nature Coast (wooooooo!) and across the nation. Thank you for all the birthday wishes today!