In the cold and dreary gloom this am 9 eager and excited PAX ready to start the week off right at the District. YHC was honored to throw down an IPC inspired beatdown in sub 50 degree weather. Layered up and ready to roll as 5:30 hit with a quick disclaimer and 5 core principles recited we were off to getting warmed up.
Warm up:
Baby arm circles/Reverse
Big Boy arm circles/Reverse
Tempo Squats all IC
The Thang:
Leaving to confines of our home base we moseyed to the Hill. At the Hill Pax were told to Bernie Sanders the Hill up and down 5 times.
Feeling the Bern Hitchhiker was the first and only one to curse the community on tree placement on the Hill. With minimal injury to both PAX and tree we moseyed off to traversing the soccer fields back to concession stands where the real workout began.
PAX lined up along the end line of the 1st soccer pitch with their blocks.
4 rounds of exercises, each round consisted of 150 reps. 25, 50, 75 after each round run to opposite side of pitch and back.
1st round
25 Merkens
50 PlankJacks
75 Curls
2nd round
WWI Sit-ups
American Hammers HC
Overhead Press
3rd round
X-Factor HC
Monkey Humpers
4th Round
Kettle Swings
Finish early repeat your favorite round
With 4 minutes left and no runners out on the field we had time for at least 2 rounds of Butkus, YHC did promise no step ups however a Butkus does not fit that bill. With 2 rounds done time was called.
Great 3rd F event this past weekend props to Cheesehead for setting it up. Continue to make cards for VA retirement home for Christmas possible 2.0 workout and card making beatdown in the near future. Can food drive is completed however this is the time that most missions build up stock for the season and year so continue to do our part in contributing.
Continued prayers for Vanellope and Big Papi’s mother.