The Forgotten Q

by | Dec 14, 2021 | Back Blasts

QIC: Grouper
PAX POSTED: FNG - Saul, Waterboy, Smokey, Saint, Hitchhiker, DBA, Cricket, Baywatch, Apnea, Grouper

FNG – Saul

10 PAX on a beautiful Tuesday morning in the mid 60s! Quick disclaimer, F3 five core principles and straight to work.

Mosey to round about toward Sunlake.

SSH IC x15
Frankenstein IC x 15
Baby Arm Circle IC x 10 (+reverse)
Merkins IC x 10
Plank Jacks IC x 15
Mountain Climbers IC x 15

Mosey down Nature View Drive toward large traffic circle.

Stop half way for 1 set of Mucho Chesto and 1 Bruce Lee.

At the large traffic circle, complete the following 4 exercises and each of the three cross walks (completing one large lap); complete 2 laps and 6 total rounds of:

10 burpees
20 money humpers
30 SSH
40 flutters (hard way)

In total all PAX completed:
60 burpees
120 money humpers
180 SSH
240 flutters (hard way)

Pick up the 6 and Indian Run back to courts

1 minute+ of balls to the wall and 6:15a on the dot!!

Prayers for all the PAX and positive thoughts everyone have a safe week!

Prayers for @Apnea and that they receive positive results for his M

Prayers for @Smokey and his family and father in law

Prayers for all the PAX that may have something on their mind they are unwilling or unable to share for whatever reason.

Prayers for @No-See-Um and a speedy recovery!

Lastly, YHC has a confession…it’s been such a crazy last week that he failed to look at the Q sheet the night before as he does before every beatdown. Therefore, he didn’t realize he was on Q until whispering to @Apnea right at 5:30a….’Who’s on Q today!?? Am I on Q?!’. Those that were close may have heard, but hopefully the Q was as challenging and organized enough that nobody noticed. 🤦🏻‍♂️