When your YHC woke up, he had some lingering arm soreness from some unknown source. Knowing it’s better to be safe than sorry, he modified the original template he planned with a more leg centric beatdown for all the PAX to enjoy!
All in cadence:
- 15 SSH
- 10 TTT
- 10 Tempo Squats
- 10 Frakensteins
The PAX then entered the field of pain and mosey’d to the lady’s side of the complex. They stopped at the sidewalk for a Bruce Lee and did a Mucho Chesto once they reached the fence.
The Thang:
The PAX worked their way back across the field with three sets of exercises. The sets started with 10 reps and decreased by one until completed.
- Round 1: Walking Lunges & Burpees
- Round 2: Side walking squat thingy & Merkins
- Round 3: Switch starting leg and do more side walking squat thingy & BBS
Back at the starting point a quick sip was had and we did a traditional 11’s until time. Started with 1 pistol squat (HW), mosied to the street and 10 squats.
Prayers for the long distance runner who disappeared over the weekend. Prayers for Belding, Bubbles and Malware.
Splinter also wanted to specifically shame Miley for telling him to come and then not coming. Shame Miley, shame!