A cooler than expected morning – YHC compiled an epic playlist of Christmas songs with classic rock bands (who knew AC/DC, Lynyrd Skynrd and Twisted Sister had holiday records?)
SSH x 15 IC
Tie-Fighters (each side, lunge forward/backward baby arm circles) x 10 IC
Heels to Heaven x 10 IC
Brief Mosey around the district back to the northwest corner of the large field to start a round of 4 Corners (covers the farthest corner of the open field area):
Corner 1 = 20 Burpees, mosey over…
Corner 2 = 25 Squats, mosey over…
Corner 3 = 25 Merkins, mosey over…
Corner 4 = 25 Bonnie Blairs
Mosey over to the circle (cones set in middle of field)
Quick round of Bear Crawl Ring of Fire – All pax bear crawl around the middle cone with Qs lead and once the halt command is given, Q performs 10 merkins while other pax plank, then next PAX in order performs 10 merkins and continues until all have completed a round of merkins. After the round all PAX flip to their six to perform 20 BBS.
PAX start at first cone (total of 4 in shape of a “diamond” or circle?) to start several rounds in which the group travels around to each cone. The six then peels off to mosey to the center cone to perform an exercise. Once the exercise is complete PAX falls back in line but at the lead and the new six then moseys to the center for their round. The mode of travel around the circle and center cone exercise changes each round as follows…
Round 1 = PAX in line travel around the circle via Mosey with the six peeling off to perform 20 shoulder taps (hard)
Round 2 = Mode of travel; lunge walk with center exercise 20 mountain climbers (hard)
Round 3 = Mode of travel; Carioca (alternating at each cone) with 20 squat jumps
Round 4 = Mode of travel; Frogger/Mosey alternating with 20 freddie mercury (hard)
Round 5 = Mode of travel; Backway mosey with 25 SSH
Circle ends with a mosey back to the flag…
Bruce Lee routine broken up with a mosey to each light pole for each individual exercise (i.e. pole 1 = leg raises, mosey to pole 2 = LBCS, etc.)
The first round = 20 reps, the return trip to the flag = 10 reps each pole/exercise.
With a minute to spare, all PAX hold a plank.
COT – Prayers to all the families that are in need especially during the holiday season, quick recovery to Chowdah.