16 PAX embraced the chilling cold morning at the Ranch guessing where the YHC would take to do the Burpees as hinted earlier.
Warm up IC: SSH, Frenkestine, WindMills, Imperial walker
Mosey to the roundabout towards Sun Lake Blvd.
SSH, Tempo Squats – IC
– Jump Jump Burpees (1 Burpee per line and jump to next line) – around the round about
Mosey to the FOP – SSH IC
The Thang: At the FOP – Do below exercises around the FOP
– 2 Groiners
– 3 Merkins
– 5 Squats
Jump Jump Burpee – 2 Jumps 1 Burpees (longer the jump, lesser the burpees ) – Saint ruled the jumping part
Wait for the Sixes at the Gate near the Dock:
Mosey to the Dock for below exercises:
3 Sets of – 20 Step ups (Easyway), 20 Derkins, 20 Dips
Mosey back to the field to complete the round of Jump Jump Burpees.
With 2 minutes remaining, Mosey to the Basket Ball Court – Circle up for PAXs favorite Exercises.
YHC started with 10 Balls to the Heaven IC
Vanellope second that with 10 Balls to the Heaven IC but with one Hand up in the Sky – definitely holding the horsemen while riding 🙂
Belding mentioned it is too much for his age and did 10 Flutter Kicks IC
6:15 and we all had fun and felt warm.
Prayers for Chowda’s relatives for quick recovery from COVID.
Prayers for those who are struggling through injuries or wanted to fartsack to enjoy their bed.
Nutrition Challenge is starting from Saturday 8th. If you want to participate, please go to the sheet, fill your name and select the challenge level you want for yourself.
TNT session with innovative Coffee from Chowdah.
Goals for New Year and steps you are taking towards it from Grouper (you may have to write it down – the Rock) supported by all pax. Chowdah’s strong desire to challenge and push yourself everyday agreed by all and but small note by YHC that you have to let it go sometimes – step back, relax, listen to your body, get a nice sleep and fight back stronger next day 🙂
Have a great rest of your day!!!!