Hump Day in the Gloom

by | Jan 12, 2022 | Back Blasts

QIC: Hooker
PAX POSTED: Apnea, Waterboy & Seltzer
Waking up and hitting the snooze was not an option for these 3 PAX willing to brave the Gloom on this hump day. YHC woke up to a brisk 51 west wind. Bundled up and ready to go ready for warm up with a strike of the clock 5:30 hit and off we went.
Warm up
In squat position
Baby arm circles/reverse IU 10x
Seal claps 10x
Overhead clap 10x
SSH 15x
Merkin 10x
Frankenstein 10x
Mosey to school car line/parking lot. Saw a stranger in the gloom by the concession stand wandering around. With a quick APNEA, call out  he started moseying our way.
The Thang
stacking elevator
1st light
5 burpees mosey to light
2nd light add 10 Bobby hurleys
3rd light add 15 merkins
4th light add 20 LBC
5th light add 25 monkey humpers
6th light remove monkey humpers
7th light remove LBC
8th light remove merkins
9th light remove Bobby hurleys
Quick 30 count
Mosey to traffic circle
Mucho Chesto merry go round
after each exercise run around the roundabout
quick 10 count
Reluctantly but we cannot get better without doing what hurts, Indian run to tennis courts
Suicide elevator runs on the courts
1st court run to other side of court touch line back to start
10 hand release merkins run to end of second court back to start of 2nd court
20 squats run to end of third court back to start of 3rd court
30 mountain climbers run to end of 4th court back to start of 4th court
40 American hammer easy way unless you have a broken tailbone and did not think about it prior to writing beatdown then do what you can
Elevator down back to 1st court
Mosey to Concession stand 5 minutes left and out of workout
25 step ups HW
Wall sit waiting on the 6 and an extra minute after that
With 1 minute remaining Burpee circle it up till the end
Prayers to Flat Tires brother as he battles covid, prayers for Chowdah’s 2.0, prayers for Mileys family to heal quickly, prayers for the families in NY apartment fire, prayers to Hitchhiker and Chowdah CSAUP 65 mile ruck in the woods. Continued prayers for PAX that could not be out and wanted to be there.