34 degrees and the fart sack was real. Seat warmer in the car felt incredible but YHC had to make his way to the start when Hitchhiker pulled up. Layers were layered flag posted 05:30 and we need to keep moving. 3 PAX and YHC were on our way.
Disclaimer given
5 core principles
SSH ic 15
Run to corner
Tempo squats 15 ic
Run to start
Tappity tap taps 10 ic
Run to corner
Windmill 15 ic
Headed West on main road Indian Run to next corner
The Thang
Street light delight
Every light
1 burpees
2 merkins
4 squats
5 monkey humpers
Go till road ends. Mucho Chesto, recover.
Lets make this twice as nice. On the way back doubling up.
Every light
2 burpees
4 merkins
8 squats
10 monkey humpers
Get back to 1st corner where the ladies work out and we meet up with a wrong way PAX. Apnea guessed wrong and went East, eventually making his way back to us. Almost home and Nature was calling. YHC left PAX to finish street lights get back to start and finish off with Bruce Lee.
After dropping the kids off at the pool (thank God for the person that decided to leave facilities doors unlocked) we had 2 minutes to spare. Went into leg strech to the right knee straight hands to toes, middle and left leg.
Prayers to Hillsborough County Sheriffs Department and families of those officers that lost their lives in St Augustine. Prayers to Urkel to find resolution in ailments. Continued prayers to PAX that are dealing with illness or any other issues that they have not shared.