A cold and wet morning encouraged YHC to change up initial field plans for a Boneyard Mosey Tour. Four motivated PAX were in attendance to keep things moving to help stay warm.
SSH x 15 IC
Tie-Fighters x 10 (each side/direction)
Touch your toes to lead to a plank which led to
Merkins x 10 IC
Upward Dog for a little extra stretch transition to a downward dog pose.
TOUR begins with a mosey over to Yellow Brick courtyard until we reach the large round planter:
30 step-ups (hard)
30 dips
30 Urkins
30 Durkins
Mosey continues on to the nearby BENCH. From this point on, anytime we encounter a bench 2 PAX perform 15 dips while the other 2 15 jump squats (switch)…these benches were not meant for sitting breaks. Total of at least 5 benches were completed as the mosey went on…
Terrazzo Way – light circuit begins; mosey continues but at each street light (either side) complete 5 squats and 5 SHH all the way down until we reach the end of road. From this point the mosey continues to Lotus Park (with a 10 jump squat “break” on the way).
At Lotus Park a slow and controlled Bruce Lee routine was led. Brief recovery then on to a mosey back toward the yard (with street light routine as mentioned above in effect).
Final stretch, street light run down Terrazzo Way ending at Ballantrae with 5 merkins at each light.
PAX returned back to the flag at exactly 6:15 a.m.
COT – Prayers for all of our fellow F3 brothers currently going through rehabilitation, illness and injuries. Thoughts for those that are preparing for our first annual 26 mile ruck.