YHC was dragging ass yesterday when it came to completing the 100 burpees. Rolling out of the fartsack to enjoy the gloom YHC decided it’d be best to make sure all PAX complete their 100 burpees while also getting in some knee-hab! YHC has reading more about “rehabbing” and “bulletproofing” the body for longevity. With various levels of fitness, the need for modifications is paramount. Stumbled across a guy named Ben Patrick (KneesOverToesGuy)- his book Knee Ability Zero gives a great baseline for helping knee pain and preventing pain for the future.
Warm up:
- 10 SSH (IC)
- 10 Windmill (IC)
- Hang and stretch for each leg for ~two breaths
The Thang:
- Interval Burpees- every 4 minutes, timer to go off = 10 burpees (Pavlovian learning lol)
- Knee-Hab work (all OYO)
- Tibialis (Tib) Raises – 25
- Butt on the wall, back off the wall- the farther your legs are from the wall the harder it gets
- Tilted Calf Raises – 25
- Stand far enough away from wall to when you put your hands on the wall you’re almost getting a calf stretch
- Tib Raises – 25
- Knees over toes Calf Raises- 25
- Use wall for assistance; track knees over toes
- “Patrick Steps”- 25 each leg
- Can perform extra if have a weaker side, until balanced
- Use wall for balance assist as needed
- The farther you step the harder it is, balance is key
- Ass to Grass (ATG) split squat (HW) – 5 rep; 5 sets
- Modification- leg elevated
- Elephant Walk – 30 pers per side
- Utilize bench during bend as needed
- L-sit: 60 second hold each leg
- The more you lean back the easier it is
- Couch Stretch: 60 second hold per side
- Modification: standing quad stretch
- Tibialis (Tib) Raises – 25
- With just under 10 minutes left and two sets of 10 burpees left, circle up and each PAX for to call out for a 1 minute exercise
- Hitchhiker- Jump squats
- Waterboy-
- Apnea- Dying cockroach
- Urkel- Flutter Kicks
- Hooker- HandRelease Merkins
- Cheesehead- Monkey Humpers
- Grouper: Sprints
- Congratulations to Hooker and Hitchhiker (aka; Brittany) for completing the 10k Skywalk run
- Congratulations to Seltzer and Haka for completing the 28 miler this past weekend in honor of Seltzer’s friend/brother
- Adopt-a-Highway coming up- check slack for details
- Grow Ruck in April
- Cheesehead to put information on another 2nd F event; check slack
- Prayers for those around the world dealing with times of war