Yellow Brick Hill

by | Apr 5, 2022 | Back Blasts

QIC: Seltzer
PAX POSTED: Hooker, Photoshop

Three HIM decided to start their Tuesday off right with a proper beat down in the boneyard.

SSH x 15 IC
Frankenstein x 15 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
Tie-fighters x 10 IC (each side)
Stretch toe touch, into a plank, upward dog, downward dog to finish the warm-up.

Mosey with a “Can’t Stop” Rule: At each STOP sign we encounter along our boneyard tour all PAX perform the following (SSH, Squat, Peter Parker, BBS all x 5 reps each). 12 Can’t Stops were performed throughout the BD.

First stop was Yellow Brick Path which contains a slight hill (large for Florida standards), Bear Crawl up to the top with an Alligator Walk all the way down the longer side. At the end of the walk we Mosey to the large round planter for the following:
Step-up x 20
Urkins x 20
Durkins x 20

Mosey continues (including Can’t Stops along the way)…next stop the parking lot for the following routine:
Start at speed bump for Burpees x 20, Squat Jumps x 20, Merkins x 20, Full lap around the parking lot until you return to the starting speed bump. Round 2, same thing but 10 reps instead of 20.

To exit the parking lot we high-knee, carioca, sprint down the straight away…Mosey continues back to the flag pole.

Finished things off with a Bruce Lee.

COT – prayers for Chowdah and his M as they welcome there new 2.0, prayers for those brothers currently DR or recovering from injury.