Let’s Mosey!

by | Apr 6, 2022 | Back Blasts

QIC: Hitchhiker
PAX POSTED: Hooker, Apnea

YHC had some Summer of ’21 flashbacks as he was all by himself at 5:28, but Hooker and Apnea showed up at the last moment and a little mosey fest was on. After a brief warm up, of course.


All in cadence:

  • 15 SSH
  • 10 Tempo Squats
  • 10 Windmills
  • 10 Frankensteins
  • 10 Tappity Tap Tap

The Thang

Today’s workout was inspired by a compass. Everytime we hit the round-a-bout middle, SSH till the six was in and then 10 burpees.

North: 20 Lt. Dans

East: 20 Alt. Superman Merkins

South: 20 Alt. oblique crunches + BBS


  • 2 burpees at every tree from the intersection to the retaining wall
  • Till nearly the end of time: 10 (ew) pistol squats + 10 Dips + mosey around hut
  • With less than a minute left, everyone got to relax with a wall sit


Prayers for Apnea’s friends and family facing medical issues.

I personally was reflecting on that at my very first beatdown my wife was pregnant after our second was born premature and losing another pregnancy the year before. Now 2.0 #3 is one and I will be forever grateful for finding this group of men who checked in on me constantly during that time. Time goes by so fast!