With an almost full HC list both publicly and privately we were sure to break double digits this Monday morning. But alas life is what happens in-between our plans lots of Candy and not enough Zzzzz”s left us a bit short. 5:30 hit and with a quick disclaimer and 5 core principles we were off on the hunt to try and get that Easter cheer back our of Urkel. With no promises made on mosey or burpees. If we had gone the way of burpees we may have succeeded in getting him to spew his beers.
Abe Vigoda (Abe Simpson) 10 IC
A variation on the Windmill, which is performed much more slowly and with more stretching (aka “Old Man Style”).
Mosey to corner
Mosey to tennis court
Tempo squat 10 IC
Mosey to roundabout
Tappity tap taps 10 IC
Imperial wakers 10 IC
Merkin 10 IC
Groiners 10 IC
Mosey to roundabout
Bruce Lee then lap Plank for the 6
Mosey to Rec area
21 four corners
21 WWI sit-ups
20 hand release merkens
19 wwi-1 each corner alternate with hand release
With 5 minutes to spare we took the shortcut and AYG after the crossing the street.
Al Gore or wall sit for time with only 1 minute remaining
2nd F event this Saturday night meet up at the Ranch to uber to the different establishments that Cheesehead has prepped for the PAX.
29th 6pm Florida Ave Distillery on 54 M’s included.