After celebrating the M’s in our lives and probably overindulging a bit ourselves no better way to get the blood flowing and week started than a good old fashioned beatdown. Late Sunday and still no Q so why not pick up another Monday.
5:30 comes up quick after a night of celebrating but off we go. felt that we need to turn it up a notch so each warmup was to 11.
The Warm Up
Stretch right middle left
Baby arm circles/reverse burpee 11 IC
Windmill 11 IC
Tap pity tap taps 11 IC
Tempo squats 11 IC
Hillbilly’s 11 IC
The Thang
Mosey to parking lot
Islands of adventure
10 exercise
1-10 Islands
1 10 burpees at start run to 2nd island
2 20 merkins run back to start then to 3rd island
3 30 monkey humpers run back to start then 4th island
4 40 lunges run back to start then 5th island
5 50 squats run back to start then 6th island
6 60 Bobby hurleys run back to start then 7th island
7 70 LBC run back to start then 8th island
8 80 shoulder tap run back to start then 9th island
9-90 mountain climbers run back to start then 10th island
10-100 Side straddle hops run back to start
Once completed then elevator down starting with 90 Mountain climbers Elevator up was HW Elevator down EW.
With 2 minutes left stop last set and go to Wall sit. With 20 seconds left 6 was in and barley got to the wall before 6:15. Time called
5/14 2.0 workout 7:30am
5/15 Trinity Cafe
Prayers to PAX fighting Physical and Mental hurdles.