As 5:30 struck as 10 #HIM gathered for a solid beatdown and were inquisitive about the FNG YHC promised, but he was no place to be found, so we got straight to work.
Warmup (all exercises x 10 IC)
Tappy Taps
Mosey to the Sunlake round about
Baby arm circles
Tempo Squats
Mosey toward Sunlake Blvd and as we approached the corner Grouper spotted something laying on the sidewalk….It was our FNG Telephone Pole. He wanted to leave it, but as our motto goes “Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found them”. So Grouper and Belding carried the FNG to the light pole.
The Thang
Partners carry Telephone Pole 2 light poles and completed 10 squats with the pole, while the other PAX complete the following exercises at every pole.
10 Merkins
15 Squats
Once the groups meet up 2 new PAX rinse and repeat all the way to the cross street.
No 10 counted need and we started back. This time the PAX did 5 burpees at each pole.
And headed back to the courts.
It was a great team effort, and everyone pushed through for a great sweat and welcome to the FNG.
Yes Man Mile this Saturday
Trinity Cafe (3rd F event) June 12. Contact @Chowdar for details.
Prayers for all PAX and those nursing injuries and those that couldn’t slay the Dragon.