Coming off the Yes Man Mile weekend, YHC was excited to Q this Monday so he didn’t have to run or jump on his still weary legs. Rolling into the The District, Grouper was the only HIM waiting on this day.
The always awkward 1:1 warm up was in cadence and involved:
- 15 SSH
- 10 Tempo Squats
- 10 Windmills
- 10 Frakensteins
- 10 Tappity Tap Taps
A little mosey to the park behind the soccer field.
The Thang:
Part 1 started as a classic DORA. The back-and-forth was a backward mosey out followed by a Lt. Dan back. The exercises were:
- 50 Burpees
- 100 Shoulder Taps (HW)
- 200 Merkins
- 300 WW1 Situps
About the time of the merkins, Apnea showed up to join in the party. The DORA was modified so that when the exercises were completed, the PAX did endless LBCs until the next out-and-back was done. A three way DORA!
Once done, part 2 was a “roasted pig” or “fox hole” whatever you like to call your Bruce Lee/Mucho Chesto sandwich. After that, a mosey back to the start point.
Part 3 was three trips around the hut. Bear crawl on the short side, duck walk on the long side, 10 rowers on every corner.
Prayers for Apnea’s M’s family mourning the loss of her grandfather. Prayers for any PAX needing a little extra recovery. Prayers for all PAX present, sleeping, and DR.