As many a married PAX would agree, this is something that is not said very often, if ever. However, Hooker felt the suck was so good that he made it a point to tell QIC Tebow his feelings towards his Boneyard BD. All this talk about suck isn’t at all helped by the fact that the BD today was a modified Burpback Mountain. Yeehaw!
As advertised, there were no blocks but plenty of mosey and Q got things started with a warm-up Mosey around the Boneyard followed by some static stretching.
Upon finishing the warm-up, Q encouraged PAX to bring their water as he knew PAX wouldn’t be coming back to the Boneyard till the end of the BD. Q then led PAX on a mile run on the paths around Bexley Elementary. Q could see hearts beginning to sink when PAX realized where he was leading them; the hill by the soccer field.
And then PAX saw it, gazing up with apprehension, at the mountain before them. PAX teamed up and the DORA beatdown went as follows.
100 Burpback Mountains, 200 Merkins and side-shuffle up the hill, 300 Big Boy Sit-ups and sprint up the hill (Q had to cut down to about 150 BBSU due to time restraints), and two rounds of backwards Bearcrawls up the hill.
The BD wrapped up with a Mosey back to the Boneyard and a Circle-Merk till 6:15.