5 Pax came out this gloom at the Ranch for a beatdown. Typical summer morning weather down here at the Nature Coast. YHC was ready to deliver, 5:30 and off we went….
Warm Up
- Circle Burp X10
- Windmill X10
- Baby Arm Circles X10
- Dirty Dogs X10
- Alabama Ass Kickers X10
Mosey to Parking lot corner at the other end
- 30 Merkins
Mosey back to home base
- 30 Merkins
The Action
- 21’s…Plank Jacks and Mountain Climbers
Mosey to Parking lot corner at the other end
- 30 Merkins
Mosey back to home base
- 30 Merkins
Bear Crawl around the restrooms X1
With 5 minutes remaining we finished with BLOCKEES, pax circled up and one at a time went to the middle to perform the reps. X4
Finished…great job today to all Pax, way to push!
- Prayers for Waterboy’s father
- Prayers for Petey’s father
- Prayers for all Pax that are DR, safe travels