Independence Day Ruck

by | Jul 4, 2022 | Back Blasts

QIC: Hooker/Grouper
PAX POSTED: No-See-Um, Apnea, C.Z, Cosine, Miley, Pass Interference, RubNTug, Haka, Belding,

Plenty of time this independence day to snooze YHC woke up at 5:15. Snoozed with the knowledge that we weren’t starting until 7am. 6:38 and bolted out of house.

Finally woke up at 6:59 put my pack on and greeted the HIM waiting at the district.

7am and off we went on this duel back to back beatdown/ruck.

Taking the flag on a ruck around the District with an additional 40 lbs coupon.

Ruck to playground post the flag
25 step ups hw
25 dips
25 irkins
Ruck to end of Lake Branche Dr
Post flag
partner up
Tammy Wynette “Stand by your man”
100 total merkins
1st Partner does 10 Merkins while 2nd partner squats
Ruck to new baseball fields
Post flag
Tammy Wynette
100 combined shoulder taps partner does monkey humpers
Back to start quick water break as a couple PAX departed and could not do the full extended beatdown.
80 lb sandbag in tow, head east and then north toward Cunningham park.
Along the way, completed the following:
30 swings
30 squats
30 presses
20 thrusters
20 monkey humpers
At Cunningham Park
30 swings
20 squats
30 presses
Back southwest toward Starkey District park
30 squats
30 flutters
6 inches with ruck in air while waiting on the six
Heading back east toward starting point, stop at hill and plant the flag at the top
15 squats
10 merkins
Bear crawl to top and crawl bear back down x3 rounds
Back to starting point right at 8:30 for COT

Prayers for those traveling and DR. Picnic end of the Month more to follow on slack