The FoP is Jumpin’ Jumpin’

by | Jul 21, 2022 | Back Blasts

QIC: Hitchhiker
PAX POSTED: Haka, Big Foot, Endo, Apnea, Chowdah, Tebow, Petey, Pass Interference, Hooker, Grouper, Run N Tug, DBA, Seltzer, Noodle, Dillio, Bagles

Gentleman, leave your M’s at home
The field is full of burpees and the humidity fully shown
And all you PAX, meet the ground with a thumpin’
‘Cause it’s five thirty and we’re out here jumpin’, jumpin’

Destiny’s Child references aside, YHC woke up excited to lead today’s BD. The basic format was borrowed from visiting F3 KC, but know the men of the Nature Coast could handle a lot more, it was made longer and harder than what they did during my visit.

Quick disclaimer and a warm welcome to Bangles from F3 Toledo and off we went.


  • Mosey around the dog park
  • 10 in cadence windmills
  • 10 in cadence Frakensteins
  • 51 with block flutter kicks (YHC, distracted by what was coming next may have lost form, but fully enjoyed the reactions to this one)

The Thang:

Today’s main event was a basic 11, just with some stations sandwiched in between. On one side you had block thrusters and the other hand-release merkins. In between you had:

  • 5 Bonnie Blairs (hw)
  • 5 burpees
  • 5 jump squats

Each station was done to and fro, so 100 BBs, 100 burpees and 100 jump squats in between the 55 thrusters and hand-release merkins. Good times!

With a few minutes left, we circles up and took turns of random 10 count exercises led by different PAX.


Always a please leading this group of men through a good workout. Don’t forget about:

  • 3rd F poll in the 3rd F channel
  • Sasquatch: 7/30 @ 6:00 AM
  • Family Picnic: 7/31 see 2nd F channel


Prayers for all PAX present and missing that they are safe and are either in a good spot or on the way to getting there.

If you made it this far, put your name on this thing!