Saturday 6am rolled around fast then YHC expected. Arriving to the AO a few minutes prior to the impending BD, the mumble chatter was staggered by stretching and YHC felt there was need for some recovery.
The Warm-up:
- SSH – 15 (IC)
- HillBillies – 10 (IC)
- Windmills- 10 (IC)
- Mosey to the school parking lot
The Thang:
30 minutes of yoga
- Legs
- forward hangs
- figure 4 series
- downward dog
- hip openers
- back/lower back
- upward dog
- laying leg rotation
- laying leg pulls
- arms
- shoulder extension
- overhead shoulder extension
Mosey around the school parkinglot
10minutes of 100 burpees- 10 burpees EMOM
A bit more yoga
Mosey back to the flag
2minutes left: plank- PAX call out the exercise
- shoulder taps
- groiners
- mountain climbers
- can’t remember last one
- Prayers for Waterboy’s family
- Prayers for those DR/Recovering/ Sick/ Injured